"And I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ." Ephesians 3:17b-18

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

VBS Day 2 (as posted on Day 3)

Here is the post from last night; but with power/time/etc, the posting has to be delayed... TIA:

Today was day two of our VBS here at Sanctuary of Grace. I am with the P6 class this year which is the same class I had last year as P5. There were many familiar faces when I met them last Thursday, most of which remembered me from last year. It was good to have that instant connection and then time to build upon that relationship. The children are always shy when we come to their classes but it also helps to have good teachers he encourage the “pupils” (“pupils” are in primary school, “students” are secondary school) the answer our questions and participate.

So far our class has gone over 4 topics describing God: Amazing Creator (the Creation story), Miraculous Provider (three stories of God working through Elisha), Powerful Healer (Jesus’ healing miracles as told by Matthew), and Living Savior (Jesus appearances after raising from the dead). We have also had additional sub-lessons on 1 on 1 relationship with God, how to maintain good nutrition (keeping a variety of foods and not just starches such as poshu [ground corn with water]) and ways to stay healthy (such as how to treat wounds and preventing intestinal worms but using clean water). Tomorrow we’ll be finishing up with God being Lord of All and then a lesson on sanitation, which is a very big deal around here; sometimes the difference between life and death.

Today was also our Field Day for the last part of the afternoon. We brought the P1 through P6 classes together to take part in different relay races, such as potato sack races and the over-and-under ball pass, and other outdoor activities, with all-out water balloon fight finale. It was a sight to see all of the kids playing with and against the other classes; kids are kids no matter what country you are in. Tomorrow afternoon will be out closeout assembly in which all of the classes will be putting together a presentation to perform in front of the school. It’s sad to see it coming to an end but so is the nature of these trips: short time frame, life changing impacts (at least on my life they have been).

It has been really good getting to spend more than a day with the children as well as the Coggins and Riegers. I personally have had many conversations with Keith and Lisa (Coggin) and Joe and Susan (Rieger) about their life as a missionary, the road that got them into that ministry, and a lot on raising a family. I have really enjoyed getting to know all of the Riegers (all 7 of them currently in Uganda) and trying to take pointers on how to raise a truly God-fearing family. I am thankful for the people God has been putting in my life lately as I work to grasp what God’s plan is for me and my family. Last year I came back with a whole different outlook on what is important in life and this trip is not disappointing on that. Until the next post…

- Justin

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