"And I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ." Ephesians 3:17b-18

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"You are WELCOME"

 July 9, 2014

Here goes the team’s last day in Gulu. I believe I can speak for all of us, when I say that we all have enjoyed the children these last 4 days.  Seeing their faces glow like the sun and their learning expanded day-by- day makes the lost luggage, the long hours of drive worth the wild. Today was a rather eventful day to say the least. We started out with our daily breakfast and devotion. This morning’s devotion was lead by Cindy, and was one of great reflection. We talked about how at times we try to put God in a box, and rather than allowing the Spirit of God to lead, we try to lead with our minds. We all concluded that God’s ways are much higher than our ways, and daily we must seek to know His plan even when it doesn’t make sense to our finite minds. He knows best and our faith should be fueled on His perfect plan for our lives.

After breakfast we quickly reported to our designated classes. The look on the student’s faces was simply breath taking. As soon as we stand on the first step, their eyes are directed towards us. They wait for us to enter and they all say in concert,”You are welcome”. They were all ready and eager for whatever activities we prepared for the day. We went over bible stories, namely the story of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. As we reenacted the birth of Jesus, the K2 and K3’s face lit with such amazement as they watched Susan deliver “Baby Jesus” from under Tameka’s dress. Can you say birthing 101 is in full effect? The children continue to laugh even minutes into the rest of the story.  In addition, we revisited some of the classes on hygiene. It is amazing how much their minds absorb. It just confirms that our desire and availability to allow God to pour in their hearts and minds through us will never be lost. We are preparing the next generation to have an advantage.  Just as the Bible says, as children of God we must renew our minds daily. That is applicable in the spiritual as well as the physical realm. These children have a chance for a brighter tomorrow.

Evening approached and a heavy downpour came. Jenny and Elizabeth expressed that the rain hadn’t fell that much in some time. After the rain cleared, everyone gather at the pavilion for the student’s special Acholi dance. They looked like little men and women as they performed with such confidence and pride. The dancing was followed by a science lesson demo on the qualities of air, then the P4 class singing a farwell song to us. Each of the team members was then given the opportunity to express appreciation for the students, teachers and staff’s welcome.  We definitely look forward to all God has in store for the months and years to come.

We concluded the evening with Deborah’s delicious chicken and dumpling. We sat around and watched “Journey to Jamma” and “The Perfect Game”, two great movies to end our last night in Gulu. Nothing can compare to the laughs, love and the peace of God resting upon us these last few days. We are truly blessed and we are grateful to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us all in every way. Just as God led the children of Israel with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, He will surely continue to guide and protect us for the duration of our journey.    ---Tameka

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